The Babble/On Project

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Force better be strong in you, Skywalker

I have a longer post coming about the High Line in Manhattan (a park being built on a derelict elevated rail line), but here's a nice segue from my posts about the Panorama.

These renderings depict the Skywalk at the soon to be completed Grand Canyon West Resort. I assume that this thing has a pretty wicked anchorage, as it seems like they've taken great pains to make it super strong.

It's the shot below that made me think of the Panorama, although the buildings depicted are their actual size, though of course the Skywalk isn't to scale in this rendering.

Thanks to K for bringing this to my attention.


  • most welcome.

    just looking at those drawings makes my palms sweat with terror, and I'm not historically one with an overriding 'fear of heights.' Yeesh.

    By Blogger k, at 11:52 PM  

  • I've read that the bridge was tested as able to withstand the weight of 71 fully loaded Boeing 747s, so I've put terror aside and am now fully focused on amazingawesomeness.

    By Blogger Sef, at 3:38 PM  

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